Why settle for a boring home office?
Look around. Does your at-home work space spark joy, or can it be summed up in one simple word: meh?
Having a home office can already be a struggle. We don’t know about you guys, but there are a million things that can distract us from our tasks and cause us to procrastinate from completing our work. Laundry, making dinner, entertaining our pets, that unrelenting construction noise from next door, the pinging on our phones -it’s all vying for our attention.
As these things already pose a risk to our work ethic, an inefficient and boring home office will only make matters worse. If the past year and a half was any indication of the future that lies ahead, our at-home work spaces may become long term. Now, is the time to embrace the work at home lifestyle and create a space that is comfortable for the eight or more hours each day that we spend there.
The Space
Choose a room or spot in the house and make it yours. Pick somewhere you will feel excited to work each morning or night. Does your job require a lot of tools or paperwork? Design the space with the necessary accessories and shelving/drawer space required to succeed. Don’t allow clutter to take over your workspace! It can negatively impact your performance, create stress, and slow you down. Another tip? Try to choose a spot (if possible) with natural light. Sunlight is scientifically proven to boost your mood, help you feel calm and stay focused. Don’t forget a comfortable chair! This one is essential to power through a long day without any unnecessary aches and pains.

Décor, Décor, and more Décor!
Decorate your space to the beat of your own drum. The key to a successful work space is one which motivates your creativity and uplifts your spirit. Our mind and emotions have a major effect on the way we perform, helping us to feel motivated and excited about work. Decorating your home office with décor pieces that you feel best represent you will allow your creativity to shine. Inspirational posters & quotes, a mood board, some plants and a refreshment corner are all great places to start. Also, look into colours that are recommended for productivity (we hear blue is great at boosting creativity and cognitive performance). Setting the tone of your atmosphere can affect you in more ways than you think. So start by browsing for items you connect with; we promise it’ll all come together!
Use Scent to Invigorate and Relax
Never underestimate the power of scent to lift your mood! A candle burning in your home office will not only add an element of cosiness, the right scent will boost your mood. Choose natural soy candles with natural fragrance that won’t pollute your workspace. My Weekend is Booked candles are scented with 100% plant derived oils, created from natural soy wax, and are eco-friendly. We design them with natural fragrances (synthetic free!) and essential oils, which are a secret superpower in boosting productivity and influencing brain activity (seriously, these are game changers!). Our current favourites? The Terra collection! Beautifully scented while featuring gorgeous labels and glowing amber jars for mid-day hygge break! Check out more options on our Candle Collection page.
Music to Your Ears
Listen to music. Find a genre that motivates you to do your work, but doesn’t distract you from the task at hand. Music is therapeutic; it can relax you, boost your mood and motivate you to get moving. Make a playlist of songs that helps you to focus, don’t assume one playlist fits all.
Make a schedule. Schedule in breaks, snacks, cuddle time with the fur-baby, a walk, yoga… anything that keeps you going! Don’t forget that your mind (and body) need a break. Scheduling in the important things like food to fuel your brain and fresh air to fuel your body, are essential to staying motivated and not becoming bored.
Remember! It’s all about perception. As long as you mentally enjoy something, it will become easier for you to succeed. Loving your workspace is the first step to enjoying what you do. It will promote positive energy around your daily duties and allow you to flourish!